The perfect diary official told Liu Haoran that the "high-end" route was stable?
Perfect Diary is officially announced as a new spokesperson, or a global brand spokesperson! This title is not small. Who is it?
The editor still remembers that last October, when the Perfect Diary official announced Zhou Xun as the first spokesperson of the brand, the first three-gold movie queen in the Chinese movie world spoke for affordable makeup, which made many netizens express surprise for a while. "I thought it was a big international brand, but it turned out to be Perfect Diary", "This is not a dimension at all" and other voices kept coming and going.
This time, Liu Haoran and Zhou Xun appeared in the same advertisement at the same time, which once again made the vast network directly call "high climb". However, from the perspective of brand marketing, it is not difficult to see that choosing Zhou Xun and Liu Haoran as spokesmen is an important step to upgrade the brand of perfect diary and take the high-end route.
Why Liu Haoran
Why Liu Haoran? Why does Liu Haoran represent "high-end"?
From the point of view of the spokesmen of the previous cooperation of Perfect Diary, whether they are single line spokesmen or brand ambassadors, most of them are young artists who follow the flow route, especially the post-95 and post-00 generations, and all of them are idols, such as Zhu Zhengting, Lai Guanlin, Yan Xujia, etc. As the representative of China's new generation of powerful actors, Liu Haoran made his debut in the image of a warm boy next door, known as "the younger brother of the nation". Although his age and seniority are not as good as those of Zhou Xun, he has many representative works in his younger generation during the same period, and even participated in the shooting of the main theme films such as 1921, which can be said to have both flow and strength.
For brands, choosing celebrity endorsements is nothing more than focusing on the characteristics of stars that are consistent with the information that the brand wants to convey. The combination of the two can produce similarities in communication and identification and better communicate with consumers. Therefore, choosing Liu Haoran as the spokesperson not only meets the needs of youth, but also improves the brand image of perfect diary in consumers' hearts.
Why take the "high-end" route?
As the representative of the new national beauty products, Perfect Diary, although it is basically the top of the beauty industry, but with the popularity of the Internet and the development of new consumer goods in recent years, online celebrity brands emerge in endlessly, and the homogenization problem of beauty products is becoming more and more serious. It is no longer a long-term strategy for brand development to continue to occupy consumers' minds with "high cost performance" and "high beauty value", and harvest traffic with low marketing costs.
Therefore, the brand upgrading of Perfect Diary is imperative. As the adver