The real estate business brings great fortune to the owners when you decide to put it on rent. It is a superb source of passive income where you can extend your business strategically.

But to give away your property to unworthy tenants can be troublesome. Before you can enjoy the fruit of your business, it can become a nightmare to deal with.

However, it is better to get rid of unworthy tenants and move on for the better. Being the landlord, you have the right to send an eviction notice as a request to leave the rental space soon. Eviction Notices are legal papers you send to a tenant when they have due rent, break a lease, damage property, or act illegally.

If you decide to evict the tenants, you should understand the process better soon.

When should I send Eviction Notices?

Being a landlord, you can send eviction notices when you are unhappy with your tenant. A legal notice stating certain activities of the tenant like property damage, not paying the rent, or irresponsibility are reasonable causes to send it in the first place. You can either hire a lawyer to document all the details or do it yourself following some rules of free tenant letters.

When you feel your property is in unsafe hands, you can send an eviction notice to your tenant asking them to leave your property as soon as possible. It is more like sending a warning sign to the tenant before the landlord takes any massive legal step to stop the nuisance.

Necessary Steps to Write an Eviction Notice

It is very important to be crystal clear with the details you mention in the eviction notice. Be specific about the person, the events, and the problems associated with the person in the legal document you are about to file.

Besides, here is everything necessary to put up in eviction notices.

  1. The Rental Lease Contract Information

While writing the eviction notice, you must mention the terms & conditions of the lease contract you signed when the tenant started living in your property. You should also mention the tenant’s responsibility you agreed with at the start and where they are creating a problem now.

But first things first, mention the address, name, nationality, and ID proof of the tenant as correctly mentioned in the rental contract.

  2. Explain the Cause of the Eviction Notice

The next piece of information that goes to your free eviction letters format is a proper explanation behind evicting the dweller. Here are some of the common reasons why your tenant is receiving the legal notice.

  • Noise Violations
  • Never paying the rent or time
  • Not informing the late payments
  • Tenant not cooperating with the landlord
  • Property damage
  • Showing suspicious behavior
  • Illegal activities on the property

You can select any reason with a proper explanation of the cause. For example, if your reason for eviction is due to rent, list all the dates your tenant has missed to date. Mention the amount you owe them very clearly. If any late fee is applicable, highlight it in the notice. If your tenant chose the security money (if paid) as a support for monthly rents earlier, mentioning that will establish your hold in the notice.

3. Time Given to the Tenant

Provide your tenant a date by which they have to leave the property. When you are writing the information on free eviction notice formats from legal websites, you will find the requirement to fill some areas with a date.

Usually, there is no jurisdictions rule concerning the time you allot for your tenant to leave the property. The best is to go by the eviction date mentioned in the lease contract signed at the beginning. If there is none provided, 15 days works fine.

4. Hand over to the tenant

Finish the letter by entering your name, signature, contact information, and date of issuing the eviction letter, and serve termination to the tenant.

Related Information

There are some helpful websites where you can find readymade free eviction notices. If your reason for eviction is straightforward, you can always download one. Else, you can choose a format and write one by yourself following the guideline we discussed above. Both the option will work in your favor.