April Fool's Day is a time when people traditionally play lighthearted pranks and jokes on each other. Here are some ideas for harmless pranks that you can play on your friends and family:

Fake spider: Place a fake spider in an unexpected place, such as in a shoe or on a bathroom counter, and watch your victim's reaction.
Fake parking ticket: Print out a fake parking ticket and place it on your friend's car. They'll be relieved when they realize it's just a prank.
Fake lottery ticket: Make a fake lottery ticket that looks like a winner, and watch your friend's excitement turn to disappointment when they realize it's not real.

Fake spill: Create a fake spill by placing a clear plastic wrap over a cup of water or other liquid. When your victim tries to pick it up, they'll be surprised to find that it's not a real spill.

Fake phone call: Pretend to take a phone call from someone important and act out a fake conversation. Your victim will be surprised when they realize it was all a prank.

Remember to keep your pranks harmless and in good fun. Be sure to avoid any pranks that could be hurtful, disrespectful, or cause damage to property.